We believe in uniting quality senior service providers to those in need of aging resources, products and services easily, effectively and with exceptional value.
Life’s Copilot is the premiere resource connecting the community with certified professionals offering a wide variety of products and services to the growing senior sector. We certify, market and position top professionals in their industry as experts for our community. We organize them in a beneficial manner providing our users with the ease and understanding of who, what and when these services are needed in one’s life transition. Life’s Copilot helps ease the burden of the unknown during these times.
Life’s Copilot Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Life’s Copilot. Our foundation was created from the generosity of our members and their desire to give back to the community they love and serve. Each time a certified professional of Life’s Copilot serves the community, proceeds are donated to the Life’s Copilot Foundation and these funds are used for grants to assist families who otherwise would not be able to benefit from our professionals' products and services. In addition to contributions by our members, annual events to raise awareness and supplemental funds are conducted by Life’s Copilot. We continuously work to grow the Life’s Copilot Foundation to help more people around the country.
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Life’s CoPilot is proud to be a source of both in person and web based events that provide education and resources for our community. Check the Life’s CoPilot calendar to learn about our upcoming events.